My dear sweet boys,
I tried so hard to get you in for your check up ON TIME. It's not like your Mommy to be late. But the dr office didn't have appts available when I called 2 months in advance!
To Gavin: At one year and one month you weigh 20lbs 8oz(15th percentile). You are 29 1/2 inches long(40th percentile). Your head is 18inches(20th percentile). You are right on track! You were ahead for speech, fine and gross motor development! In laymans terms, you have been walking for months, have 6 words and should NOT be able to crawl down the stairs like a crazy person! You are wearing mostly 18month clothing. You eat a little of this, a little of that. You love lunch meat and hamburger and are still nursing around 7 times a day.
To Logan: At three years and two months you weigh 34lbs(65th percentile). You are 38inches tall(50th percentile). Your head is 20 3/4 inches(greater than 95th percentile). You are right on track too! When Dr. Perry was asking you developmental questions, you did great until we got to, "Which one talks(point to pic of bird, dog, horse or human)." You repeatedly pointed to the dog and said, "He does! Colby says, woof woof!" It was cute though...maybe we will get that one right at the next visit. You knew all your colors, can sing the ABCs and count to 10. You are mostly potty trained, still working on the nights. Dr. Perry was very impressed with your balance and speech. You love apples, carbs and cheese...all other foods are a toss up day to day! You are wearing 3t pants and 4t shirts, size 9 shoes!
My boys are growing so fast! Mommy and Daddy love you very much.