Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Here was the scene at my house this morning. Mom came over for a brief visit and Logan was up, around and begging to be played with(I'm boring, he sees me all the time). He was full of smiles and giggles and even talked a bit for Nana.

We are so truly blessed to have such joy in our lives. As I sat down to write this post I also planned to check all my "pages" as I call them. At least twice a day I faithfully sit down and check in on the few blog pages that I follow. As I opened MckMama's blog this a.m. my heart was filled with sadness and worry.

Stellan went into SVT again last night and is in the PICU at Children's hospital once again. This poor baby has endured so many hospital stays, Dr. appts, IV name it. Now he is once again fighting for his life, this time more sick than ever before and is on the ventilator. Please pray for this family, for baby Stellan and his doctors. You can leave any encouraging thoughts or prayers in the comments on MckMama's blog. I'm sure she would love to know how many people around the world are embracing them and lifting them up in prayer right now.

After reading MckMama's post from this morning I had to go in and check on Logan. I had just put him down for a nap. He was of course snoozing peacefully, pink and breathing without any problems as I knew he would be. I am so blessed...

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for Stellan.
    I remember years ago, like 30 years ago I had watched a sad movie and just had to go up and give my son a squeeze. Well it was kind of like "like sleeping dogs lie" it didn't go well. He was just a baby and was up for hours crying.
