Thursday, January 21, 2010

Days Gone By

While I have been at work, the past few days have drifted on by. Here's some of my favorite pics. Okay, so I didn't get them posted daily but I did take them!

Notice the lipstick lines on the side of his head
He finds something new with his Baby Einstein jumper everyday. Today it was the caterpillar that sits on a flower.
I love big fuzzy sleepers
Deer in the headlights!
Have I mentioned that I love turtles?


  1. Those pictures are adorable. Yes I see the lipstick mark. Look at that dimple!

    On my scones I just used 350 because I didn't see it either. Also, they are different, not like the scones you eat at a tea with jam and heavy cream. But they were delicious.

  2. Aww . . . Ori had those turtle pajamas. They were some of my favorites. Cute pictures!

    I miss you on Team One! I'm thrilled Baby S got to move upstairs and you are with her, but know that you are missed downstairs. :)
