So today Steve called me at work...Logan had been screaming uncontrollably for 3 hours. I paged the pediatrician. She recommended that with his fever and the crash this week that we take him to E.R. to be checked out. I decided to leave work and meet them in El Dorado. I was thinking, "Really, if something is wrong they will diagnose us quickly and send us to Wesley." So I get there about 15 mins after Steve...Logan is screaming unconsolably. They gave him some Motrin(duh, we had been doing that!) and repeat a strep screen(duh, we did that at the drs Thursday along with a flu screen, CBC, CMP, Sed rate and blood cultures x 2 + a urine specimen). Of course the strep test was negative. They decide that he must have pharyngitis that is NOT strep...anyone heard of that because in all my years at a Strep prone patient and an RN I HAVE NOT?! Told us they thought he was teething...must be why he is so crabby. Really? They gave us amoxicillin and sent us on our way. We didn't want an antibiotic! We wanted answers! To top things off the poor kid is now covered head to toe in a fine an RN with limited peds experience, it looks like a viral rash. Then why the heck did they prescribe antibiotics? Now amoxicillin might not work the next time around when we really DO have a bacterial infection. It's so frustrating to see your happy go lucky kid screaming in pain and no one seems to care. Kind of makes you feel like a failure as a parent. I'm not only a parent, I'm a freaking nurse! Since when did teeth cause a fever of 102.8 that won't break despite Tylenol and Motrin...grrrrr...I am hoping actually is bacterial and the antibiotics take care of it. The fact that his fever finally broke today and now he has the rash suggests viral. Oh, the viscous circle!