Pictures are soooo deceiving! I try to catch him at his best for you. Does anyone really want to see the screaming, crying, tantrum pics? I don't like to witness it so I am guessing not! This guy has been one cranky boy. We went to the doctor yesterday because his low grade temp wouldn't break even with tylenol and motrin. They ran all sort of swabs and blood tests...all negative thus far so that's good. Doesn't give us a reason for his fever though. I am guessing it's viral. He has just been hateful too! I'm sure you can't believe that with his smiley pictures but it's true. After three days of being home I hate to say that I am ready to go back to work. I usually enjoy my child, even at his worst but tolerating hatefulness is not something we have had to deal with yet. Hopefully it isn't a preview of histerrible twos!
1 week ago
I can't believe it, he seems to always be smiling. I think you need to capture those ugly crying faces!