This little girl can be so serious. She watches everything I do and she listens to every word coming out of my mouth. I watch her react to my tone, my words and my actions and sometimes it breaks my heart. The boys have been challenging recently to say the least. It seems their listening ears are never on, they are constantly beating the tar out of each other and if I turn my back for a minute(or sometimes even if I don't), they are openly disobeying.
They don't seem to be as affected by my words or changes in tone but their little sister sure is sensitive. It has really challenged me lately to stay patient and examine my intentions, to help me better communicate with these little devilish beings that sometimes overtake my precious babes. I am hoping that this is a stage and that if we continue to be firm in our discipline, it will improve. Hope is all we have!
1 week ago
I guess that maybe that is a good thing. I am sure discipline can be done without an angry tone although I was never good at it. I'm still not good at it!