Thursday, December 16, 2010

15 Months

We have been waiting for the 15 Month Update for Logan's Check Up so we would have all the current numbers! At 15 Months Logan:
1. Weighs 22 pounds 4 ozs.(20%)
2. is 30 3/4 inches Long(35%)
3. Head measures 19 3/4 inches(still greater than 95%)
He sleeps usually 9p.m. to 5a.m. has begun getting up at least once a night in the past few weeks. Logan can walk frontwards and backwards, run, go up and down stairs and is into EVERYTHING!
He can say: Momma, Dadda, Bubba, Nana, Papa, baby, hi, bye, puppy, bite, cheese, trash, shoes, eyes, button and hot!
Favorite things to do are read and dance. There is almost always music on at our house! Mac 'n cheese is a food group and grilled cheese is the next on the list! He doesn't like fruit or veggies and we have to sneak those in any chance we get. He is a good eater but prefers to take his meals on the go and isn't fond of sitting at the table unless there is some form of entertainment going on.
Logan has been going to Kindercare in Augusta since his birthday and it is amazing to see how much he has changed. Just this week he has stopped crying when I drop him off which is super nice!


  1. The pictures are perfect, he looks as adorable as ever!

  2. He is adorable! I can't wait to meet him! Dropping him off without tears makes the day so much better! Love the pictures!
