Friday, June 8, 2012

Gavin {8 Months}

Dear Gavin,
  At 8 months I have no idea how much you weigh...You have been SUCH a healthy boy and we haven't been to the doctor since your 6 month check-up.  But, I can tell you are growing!  You wear mostly 12 month, some 18 month clothes.  You are quickly growing out of your size 3 diapers and can easily wear size 4(same size your brother who weighs twice what you do, is in!).  You are ever so expressive!  I never tire of watching you.  You will still eat baby food...if we make you.  However you much prefer to eat ground up table food or anything you can  get ahold of, off of our plates.  You are still strictly a breastmilk baby.  You nurse or take a bottle every 3-4 hours(4-7oz as best as I can tell by my pump and your bottle amounts).  You walk easily along furniture and behind push toys.  It won't be long til you are a walking fool and won't need any assistance as you have started letting go at times!  I am saddened to think you  might be my last "baby" as I am not in any way ready to be done with the baby stage.  You say, "Mama, Dadda, Bubba" along with all your other sounds as you are quite verbal(a side effect from your brother, no doubt).  I love you so much!  You are so awesome to watch and observe.

1 comment:

  1. It is going by so fast. Love the pictures, he is just so cute, just like his brother!
