I don't know what the middle monkey was doing
Scrawny boys, notice Steve with yet another confused expression
Hmmm...where do we start? The boys and I headed off to Lake Bullshoals on Weds for a little family vacation. There was the usual grunting and groaning about early morning packing. Of course we would have to take at least one wrong turn but that was quickly remedied as well. We followed our google maps instructions which seemed perfect until the last 15 miles of the trip.
The last 15 miles were all on county roads...in Arkansas. I found the entire 35 minutes utterly amusing while my husband on the other hand caused himself at least 20 more gray hairs. We crossed 3 creeks, all with low water bridges and all with water running OVER the low water bridges. Had we been in the truck this wouldn't have been such a problem. However, imagine our Impala loaded down with gear like we were headed off for a cross country move and you can see why this might be a small issue. I don't know how many times Steve said something along the lines of, "This Impala is NOT four-wheel drive" or "Where did you get these directions?" But Christopher and I were laughing so hard we were about to pee our pants by the time we got there.
The lake was beautiful but Lord was it hot! However, since it's hot everywhere right now I wasn't expecting any different. The water was so clear. They had huge storms last year and this year the Lake was still up about 25 feet from what the norm is. The guy that owned the "resort" we stayed at showed us how much the water was up last year and it's no wonder that the fishing was not the best. The depth was about 194 ft. at the deepest spot we crossed over on the boat but didn't go anywhere near the dam which I'm sure is much deeper and the water temp was anywhere from 91-94 degrees...not real refreshing but at least it was wet.
The "resort" as it was called was located about 3/4 mile off the shore. I guess since it's maintained by the Corps of engineers you can't actually build on the lake. This was a change from last year when we were spoiled as heck and stayed practically on the water. Our room was a mobile home. I could complain about the ammenities but considering it had running water AND air conditioning I'm not about to start! Just a different experience for us.
We all caught fish so we can't complain too much but the fat lazy bass were definitely not going to come after our lures in the heat. We did however do a little research on "sunfish" identification...a.k.a. perch for all you Kansans and now Christopher can tell you the four different types we caught and how to identify them. Some of the other people at our resort had about 6 different names and I swear each time they called a perch something else we all looked at each other like "What kind of idiots do they think we are, these are PERCH!"
The car ride home was a bit rough but we made it. Steve had a bad headache and was sick in the morning. Thank God we were able to pull the car over each time he needed to puke otherwise I'm pretty sure all three of us would have been at it! If you had seen the roads we were on you would know what I meant. I don't think the car agot above 50 MPH for the first hour and a half. Enough about that...The dogs caused quite the chaos at the kennel and were ready to come home when I went to pick them up. I had Dr. appt. Tuesday before we left. Everything seems fine but I am still measuring a little large for 28 weeks so Thursday I will have another sonogram. I'll post more then!