Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Day Full of Friends

Today we had hung out with mommy's friend(coincendentally my best friend as well!). First we had to take Eileene to softball practice...we did some shopping to occupy our time. Then we met Jamie and Pam for lunch. Jamie had a juicy secret to share. I will let you figure it out from the above pic!
Then we all took a nap on the way home(mommies not included of course). A Godsend named Debbie offered to take both kids so the mommies could get a few things done.

My mommy went grocery shopping while Abby did some scrapbooking. The rest of the pics are from Aunt Debbie's. I have so much fun with Payton no matter where we are!


  1. I love the picture of Logan and Payton napping in their car seats. Really cute.

  2. Looks like a great time. I just love the picture of them in their car seats!!
