Sunday, October 3, 2010

What a Crazy Couple of Days!

We started friday evening with the rehearal dinner.
This mommy was soooo tired after making a wedding cake.

Uncle AJ came back for Ethi's wedding. Logan loves his uncle AJ!

Crazy daddy!

This was taken at the rehearsal dinner. Ethi and her Grandpa Leonard

Holli and Ethanni

Little man at the wedding

I don't know why this shadow showed up but it did! These two brothers are quite a handful.

This weekend was the big wedding. My cousin Ethanni who is a year younger than me got married. We are very close. I was her matron of honor and I also made her wedding cake. She was absolutely gorgeous and the church was beautiful. Her flowers were exquisite and we had such a good time! I didn't take many pics because there was a professional photographer there and I didnt want to be in her way....well and the fact that I was IN the wedding party kinda prohibited me from having my camera.

I should have taken a pic of the cake but I didn't. I know the photographer got one though so I will get them sooner or later! We are all a bit exhausted but had so much fun. Logan stayed with Nana and Papa last night so we could hang out at the reception. I even got my rear on the dance floor...rare event and I probably shouldn't have. I'm sure everyone was laughing but what the heck!

I took tomorrow off to recooperate so we'll see if this wreck of a building might somewhat resemble a house by the end of the day!


  1. I love family gatherings at weddings, they are the best. Little Logan looks adorable in his little suit.

  2. Logan looks so cute!! And I REALLY want to see a picture of the cake. You are so talented!
