Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What the world needs now...

...is sleep, precious sleep!

Daddy has been gone working and we are really missing him.

I am too exhausted to fight both kids so they have been ending up in our bed.

The bad thing is, they both crash about an hour before I have to get up for the day!

This too shall pass...Daddy will eventually be home(in 3 weeks).

Mommy has a business conference coming up and plans to catch up on her sleep then!

All night every night while Gavin thinks he needs to nurse every 1.5 hours, I am reminded of how extremely lucky I am to have the opportunity to nurse my child and that I have never been burdened with buying formula. Still, at times I think to myself..."Curse demand feedings!"

I think part of me feels bad for working wto jobs and being gone 6 days a week.

Of course my babies just want me at night!

Don't you know that when all the cool dogs party anyhow? Lol. Oh dear...mommy needs sleep.

Plenty of time for that when I am dead(ok, maybe overkill...but plenty of time for sleeping when the kids are much older and hopefully before they start depriving me of sleep again in their teenage years!)

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