At 9 Months Logan:
1. Weighs 19lbs and 10oz. (35%)
2. Is 28.5 inches long(55%)
3. Head circumference 19 1/8 inches(>95%)
He is on track and a little ahead on some things developmentally. The doctor was a bit concerned about his big head although we think it's just hereditary since Steve's nickname was tweety. If his head has another big growth spurt at a year then we will do an X-ray. We will also be seeing an opthamologist in a month to evaluate his clogged tear duct that has never resolved and talk about a possible surgery. You wouldn't think this is a big deal but after every nap or sleeping period he has he wakes up with his eye matted shut. After 9 months he is sick of us cleaning it and while he tolerates it, it usually results is a fit!
Logan still nurses or takes a bottle when mommy isn't home 4-6 times a day. He loves yogurt, cheese and crackers. He eats usually 8-10 ozs of baby food each day as well. We've discovered he gags the minute you put any of the stage three meals in his mouth(something about the texture with the chunks and liquid) but he loves stage three pears and oatmeal with apples and cinnamon.
He sleeps usually 8-9 hours a night and still gets up once to eat during the night but we're working on that!
That photo is adorable. Happy Six Month to Logan.