Saturday, November 6, 2010

Yay for Music!

Yay for Taylor Swift!
I love to dance...

Fun news to share...Mommy and Daddy are having a date night going to go see Zach Brown Band. Aunt Kati and her boyfriend are coming too! Nana and Papa are watching the boys. Logan has been so wired today. He is either laughing or screaming and throwing a fit. These teeth coming in are evil! His poor gums were
bleeding this morning. I don't blame the kiddo one bit. Hope every has a great night!


  1. Papa and Nana had a great time making pizza and just hanging out with the boys! Logan loves throwing ribbon up in the air and trying to catch them!!!!!! He had a great time hanging out in my little studio!

  2. Love the clapping and dancing. Hope you had a fun night!
