Thursday, February 23, 2012

First Foods

Just as Gavin seems to be a bit ahead of his time with rolling and crawling he is not being very patient about being stuck with breastmilk.  Rice is thing of the past...he eats 2 or 3 bites then blows raspberries at me.  So tonight we tried pears.  He loved them, hardly any mess on his face because he ate them right up!  I only gave him 1/2 a container but I am sure he would have eaten all of it if I would have let them.  I know they are suppose to wait until 6 months but this little guy just doesn't seem to understand that he is only 4 months old!  Such a big guy...


  1. Pears sound yummy to me! Glad he liked them.

  2. He is gonna be big like the rest of them by summer! :) Can't wait for our Zoo trips this year! Miss you all!
