Sunday, July 8, 2012

Playdate, FInally!

We have REALLY been missing our friends...the other night, Logan was having a particularly bad night...I think he got three time outs and two spankings in 1 hour. Each time he got in trouble, he would cry "Paaaaaaaayyyyyyyttttttttoooooooooooooooon!" Steve was particularly annoyed by this. I told the girls, no questions about it...we HAVE to get together!

So we rallied the entire crew. We had to steal Ashley's girls from their grandma for the day. The kids had a great time and I must add that it was wonderful to spend time with girlfriends. Planning for this day made me a bit sad that our good friend Jamie and her daughter aren't close enough to have fun with us. I texted Jamie while I was thinking about this and was a bit teary. We love you Emma!

The way things are going, it will probably be Pumpkin Patch season before we all get together again!

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