Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Movement From Below

Just a quick post...today for the first time we felt the baby move! I thought I felt it at work. When I got home and was in the middle of bathing Logan I felt it again. I made Steve come feel too, just to make sure I wasn't crazy. Sure as day there was a tap, tap, tap on my belly! It must have been a foot. So not terrible exciting I know, even so I have been waiting for it to happen. We felt movement with Logan at 16 weeks so I knew it was coming soon. I find myself extremely sentimental this time around. I'm not sure if it is because I know it will be my last or if it is because knowing my pregnancy is progressing means also acknowledging my little man is getting big. At either rate, we will enjoy it...and for now be pleasantly bothered by the movement from down below!


  1. So exciting!!!! The feeling of a baby move is such an incredible feeling.

  2. I was so excited to feel this one move at 16 weeks! :) I totally know what you mean about being senitmental. I definetly think it has something to do with knowing that this will be the last one for us. I have been trying to soak up every minute of being pregnant, but it is going too fast! I'll be 26 weeks on Sunday! We are thrilled for you, Holli! Take care of yourself, and that precious cargo!

  3. I think it's very exciting. It's one of the best part of being pregnant.
