Monday, January 17, 2011

Oh, How We Love Pancakes!

Yes that is a box fort in the background...still around from Christmas! Logan is feeling better. No fever today yet and he has slept through the night 9-5:30 the last two days. Praise the Lord! Mommy was really starting to get crabbly. Today he has been all about eating. We had yogurt, cereal and a whole pancake for breakfast this morning.

We had to run to Walmart and get groceries. He did really well until the very end then was bucking out of the cart and throwing an absolute fit. I opened the bag of cheese balls, handed then to him and he was good as gold. We won't discuss how taking them away went...I'm pretty sure the people at Walmart thought I was crazy giving my toddler an enitre bag of cheese balls at 9:00 a.m. I'm starting to find out, I really just don't care! It's kinda like breastfeeding in public came to be for me. I just don't care what anyone thinks about where, when, what or how I feed my child! He was pretty cute with his orange fingers and mouth though!

1 comment:

  1. So glad that he is feeling better. That was a great breakfast. I agree, who cares what others think. I am sure we have all done that in the store with our children! Have a great week.
