Monday, January 10, 2011

Snowy Wreck

Well our bad luck streak continues on...on the way to drop Logan at daycare and go to work this morning we slid off the icy roads. Thank God we didn't hit anyone else. I took out two signs and badly damaged the car. All the side airbags deployed scaring the daylights out of us. The insurance adjuster looked at the car and the estimate was over $5,000. Yuck! Just what we didn't need. Thank goodness for full coverage. I can't help but be a little pissed that is seems the road crews have made no progress today with the roads(they still sucked on the way home tonight) and tomorrow we get to do this all over again. I hate winter!!! I am very thankful though that a small bump on my head was the only injury. Logan didn't even cry...what a trooper!


  1. I am so sorry. So happy that no one was hurt.
    Do you get a loaner car to use? Driving in the snow is never easy. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Oh Wow! I'm so glad you both are okay! How very scary. I hate winter.
