Friday, January 7, 2011

Our Week

I don't usually say this but it's been a rough week! Monday and Tuesday were fine...Monday Mom had lab drawn. Mom and Logan stayed home Tuesday(wishing there was somewhere to go). Tuesday night Logan woke up puking...then Wednesday morning Mom woke up puking and had to call in to work. Dad decided to stay home and take care of us both. Thank God for Daddy! Mom had just settled back into bed in the guest bedroom when Dad came running to the bathroom with Logan, puking again! SO mom decided Dad should go get Sprite...I will spare you the rest of the details but the whole day went on like this until about noon. Yuck! Wouldn't wish it on anyone! Despite the puking, Logan sat on the bathroom floor by the toilet and laughed. Maybe it was funny that we were holding his head over the potty...I'm not quite sure. Here's a few pics from puky day!

We didn't get out of our nasty jammies all day!

Thursday Mom went to work and these pics are from today...we took advantage of the 50 degree weather and went to the zoo with Abby, Gray and Payton. All was well until Mom fell over a rock holding Logan, banging both her knees and worst of all Logans head, against the rock. So Logan has two goose eggs and Mom two banged up knees but we're alive!

We got to take the new wagon to the zoo for the first time. Here's the wagon buddies. They loved it! So much better than being buckled in a stroller!


  1. Glad your both feeling better and that dad stayed home to help out. Sorry about the fall too. Hope next week is a better one for you.

  2. Oh No!!! I'm sorry! Glad you are both feeling better! Miss you!
