Saturday, January 29, 2011

Yay for warm winter days!

On Thursday we took advantage of the great weather and went to the zoo!
For some reason the lazy animals basking in the sun just weren't that entertaining to Logan.
All he wanted to do was run wild and play with the statues.

Oh yeah, and eat of course. He really thought the lion was going to get his pretzel.

But the real lion was kind of spooky!

There was no one else there and we had so much fun!

Here is Logan waving goodbye at me. He didn't want to leave.


  1. That sounds like so much fun! Looks like he had a wonderful time.

  2. Thursday was a PERFECT zoo day. I'm so glad you got to go. Wish we could have come. :( And now it's FREEZING again.

    Loved the pictures!
