Wednesday, August 10, 2011

32 weeks

These pics were actually from my sono last Thursday but it hit me this a.m. that I hadn't shared them yet! Kind of difficult to scan in sono pics when you are stuck at the hospital. We think someone looks an awfully lot like his big brother.

I just got back from a doctors appt which meant I got to leave the house, highlight of my week! I am so not used to sitting around and doing nothing. Tomorrow I will be 32 weeks. Today at the doctors nothing had changed which is good news. I am still dilated 2 and 50% effaced. Baby's head is down but not engaged so we're happy with that.

I have lost 3 pounds since appt last Thursday prior to the hospital stay. I am eating like crazy I am just having a hard time holding on to any of it if you know what I mean. Hopefully it was all just due to the stress of the week and things will calm back down. SO we're gonna be boring til next Weds!


  1. Those 3D's are awesome. So glad nothing has changed. Gotta keep him in there!!!!
