Friday, August 12, 2011

Role Modeling

Bumpin bellies
Silly Bubba

Cookin Logan's baby

"Baby fall out!"

32 weeks

Logan's newest development is role playing having a baby in his belly. He has walked around the house for the better part of the evening "havin' a baby." If the baby falls out, it's a catastrophe. He says his baby isn't "done cookin." He's really picking up onthe lingo around here.

Speaking of that, I have to share the low point(and high point) of the day. Earlier while yelling at the teenager, I said something to the account of "that's Bull$Hit." I didn't really think Logan was paying attention. To my surprise while sitting on the stairs and waiting for supper he proudly spouted the word off....over...and over...and over again. I was trying so hard not to laugh and to be stern saying that was not a good word. But my bladder gave in. It was laugh or pee my pants. Oh, out of the mouths of babes...I will learn not to sound like a sailor. Did I mention my husband stood in the kitchen with his face covered up laughing? No help at all!


  1. Funny!!! He is too cute! You look amazing.

  2. BAHA! That is so funny!! I can definitely hear baby Logan saying that!
