Sunday, December 9, 2012

Double Trouble-Monkey See, Monkey Do

Gavin so much wants to be like his big brother.  He follows Logan everywhere, wants to do what Logan does, wants to eat what Logan eats...its honestly adorable!  That is, until Logan is being cross do doing something he isn't supposed to and then you have two of them doing something wrong to deal with! Lol.

Last night the boys stayed with Nana and Steve & I went to Tyler and Kate's for some adult interaction.  We had a good time...think we got to bed about midnight.  By 4:40 a.m. Nana was texting to let me know my precious babes had been up since 4 a.m.  Joy!  I am beginning to think that maybe next time Kate and Tyler can come to our house and maybe the boys will sleep better.  It wasn't much of a "good nights sleep" for any of us.  Four hours is about what we get every night at home.

These little troube makers are learning all sorts of new tricks.  Gavins vocabulary has been exploding(including a word or two I would rather he not say).  I can't believe it is almost Christmas!  I got all my shopping done in one day yesterday and I'm very relieved to know we stayed within our budget.  This is always a hard time of year for me to be aware of that!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Nana texted you....she should have let you sleep! Glad you had a night out.
