Wednesday, June 22, 2011

We are growing!

Well time is flying! I can't believe tomorrow I will be 25 weeks pregnant. My belly is growing though and very persistently an active little Taylor boy is gently reminding me of his presence. This baby, like Logan is most active between 9 and 11p.m. and is big enough now that you can see his kicks and rolls just by watching my tummy.

We have had three good nights of sleep in a row for Logan this week. I think we might be on to something! Logan is now a big boy, he hates the medicine dropper. However, the Benadryl that makes it so much more comfy for him to breath all night is apparently A-OK out of a big boy medicine cup...don't know why I didn't catch on sooner!


  1. What an adorable baby bump! :) You're too cute, Holli!

  2. You look amazing!! We need to get together soon.

  3. I so wish I could see baby boy taylor moving around in your belly :( so sad I'm missing it this time around (AGAIN!) :(

    You look fantastic!! I hope baby Logan's sleep streak continues <3

  4. Cute belly shot. Time is going by so quickly.
    I am sure the benadryl helps him sleep to. I use it sometimes to sleep and my dads doctor told him to take it for sleep!
