You'll never guess what little man did last night. I'll give you a hint...the days of leaving him on the couch or the changing table are over. While we were sitting in front of the TV Logan was playing happily on the floor.
Steve made the remark that he was going to be rolling over soon. The next thing I knew, I looked down and Logan rolled from his tummy to his back without any hesitation. Of course I was thinking to myself that my husband had probably already seen him do this and was just being nice to me so that I didn't feel I had missed one of his "firsts".
Truth be told Steve had NOT seen him roll over. So, how cool is that? We both happened to be home and sitting there watching him at this all important moment. I can't believe how fast he is growing. It seems like just yesterday I brought his little six pound, jaundiced and sleepy self home. I am so excited to watch him grow but will miss the days of his newborn period.
But, life goes on. He is already so much fun as he is learning to giggle and talk to us. That's all the big news for today!
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