Saturday, April 17, 2010

March For Babies

What a beautiful day for a walk!
I got these cool shoes on.

Olivia and Jodi
Just waking up from a nap

Team Picture

And, we're off!

Part of the crew

The star of the day

Today was the March For Babies. We had such a good time. Any excuse for fresh air and a nice walk is good with me. It was so fun to have a little one to share it with this year. Olivia is getting so big. I'm so proud to be a part of her story and to know her wonderful family.


  1. We were so glad to have you walk on our team again this year. It means a lot to us. You are so special to our family. Thanks for sharing the day with us.

  2. What a wonderful gift you have given to a great cause.
