Friday, October 5, 2012

Gavin {1 Year!} he looks a bit cake drunk in the last pic!  Today our boy is one year old...can you believe it?  I can' seems like only yesterday.  I remember the awful bedrest, the wonderfully fast induction and his dramatic and swift entrance into the world.

Dear Gavin,
  I can't believe you are 1!  You are the pure joy heart of our family.  You are always smiling, rarely cranky.  You adore your big brothers and watch their every move.  You eat like a champ, anything we will give you.  You have 7 teeth, almost 8, as that left front bottom tooth will be coming through any day now. 

  You still sleep 3-4 hours then get up about every 2 hours to's ok...the experience in this mom has taught me that our avoidance of formula is worth the lack of sleep.  You are only this young, for a little while.  After all, you are a snuggly little sleeping buddy.  I do love nursing you, it has been a blessing and my new career has made it so easy to keep up with supply.  We have been blessed to donate a full supply of milk to another baby for her first 9 months along with a partial supply for twins.  I am a lucky woman.

  You are so full of joy. You have two dimples, and they both light up my every minute, every hour, of every day.  I can't imagine how much joy you will bring to our lives in the coming years and I can't wait to watch you grow, all the time cherishing these precious moments when you seem so small!

  Sweet dreams my love,

1 comment:

  1. Wow, those years just fly by so quickly.
    Happy 1st Birthday Gavin!
