Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Three months have flown by!

I know I didn't get these pics posted this weekend like I had originally intended but better late than never I guess. I can't believe Logan is three months old already. Christmas is creeping up ever so quickly and before you know it the Holidays will be here and gone. I remember last year the only thing I wanted for Christmas was a baby.

I got sick on New Year's Eve day with a horrible sinus infection but it didn't occur to me for a moment that I could be pregnant. After several months of unsuccessful fertility treatments I had learned not to get myself worked up. A couple of days later I finally took a test and was shocked to see "Pregnant" on the digital screen. My Christmas dream had come true.

This year I am so excited to share our holidays with Logan. I realize how blessed I am to have a little person in my life...especially a baby as well-tempered and adorable as Logan is. But it also reminds me of all the "should be" mommies out there that haven't yet been given their day. There are a few I know personally and a million others I will never know. For any who are reading this, know that I am thinking of you this holiday season. Miracles do happen...don't ever stop believing. I am sitting here now staring at the sleeping face of my miracle baby, and I believe.


  1. I was going to write something profound( probably didn't spell that correctly) But decided on I love that woman more then anything. Love Ya Honey!!

  2. So happy that your dream came true. He's a doll!

  3. He is adorable, Holli! And very well said! We are very blessed to have our little miracles!
