Saturday, February 6, 2010

Around the hotel

Why not just a "DEAD END" sign?
Who drives 7 MPH?

Christopher enjoying the pool

Funky trees...I thought we were in TX?

Fogotten plants...I think this was on purpose but looks like what could happen at my house on accident!

Steve relaxing on the patio

I have no idea what kind of flower this is but isn't it pretty?
We made it home safe. Safe with the exception of covered in glass. Something big hit our windshield and we are going to have to replace it. It was so big and hit hard enough that the shatter proof glass even shattered the glass on the inside and all over Steve and I! We were not cut though so all is well. To be quite honest I'm surprised we made it home without the whole thing blowing out. I am going through all my pictures and trying to decide which are my favs of AJ and the family to put on the blog. More to come later!


  1. The plant is an ornamental cabbage. They are beautiful, and quite hardy. :)

  2. That is pretty scary with the glass. The place looks nice. I like the mother-in-law tongue in the wheelbarrel. They grown anywhere!
