I came home Sunday and these were just a few of the pics Steve had taken. I don't know that I am a huge fan of stuffing kids into couch corners but whatever works, right? I love Logan's facial expressions and it seems like he comes up with a new one every single day.
Has anyone else ever used the Sleep Lady system to get your children to sleep through the night? I am considering it. I promised that if he wasn't sleeping through the night by six months of age that I would at least make an effort to facilitate that and I am not one of those moms that can just let their babies cry it out...we did try it though. Anyhow I saw this approach used on a TV show. I just don't want him to be two years old and still getting up every 3-4 hours. Everything that I have read says the sleep habits are learned young.
I went over and googled her. I read her 10 tips and they sound good. It does not sound like a crazy plan. I think that white noise would be good, we use one. Her is a link to animals that have white noise:
My husband got me a book for Valentine's day that several people at school recommended to him on getting your baby to sleep through the night. It's call On Becoming Baby Wise. I haven't read much of it yet and haven't gotten to any of the actual stuff about sleep but most of the ladies said that they used it with their second child and could tell a huge difference. Just a thought!