I have to admit I was somewhat disappointed today. Last night we let Logan cry himself to sleep...three times. It was hard but didn't take as long as I had initally thought it would. He was bathed, changed fed and it was time for bed. After only three hours of sleep the night before I had no tolerance for the same kind of night again.
That being said, when Jodi(Olivia's mom) called to say that she thought we should cancel our playdate I was bummed. I was so looking forward to seeing Jodi and Olivia and introducing them to my special little man. But Jodi had a scratchy throat and being the paranoid kind of moms that we are we thought it would be better safe than sorry and that we should postpone. I know we'll reschedule soon and the kids will have a blast.
We did go have lunch with the girls from work. We had fun giving Nancy a world of grief for turning 50...I must admit though that she doesn't look a day over 30! Logan was an angel. He sat in a big boy high chair for the first time at a restaurant and did fantastic. He spent lots of time loving on Donna and didn't throw one fit. I was very relieved.
So we're off to see some family this weekend and we're praying for better nighttime sleeping habits!
So bummed we couldn't get together. Olivia started coughing today as well so I think she's getting what I have. We took two naps today. .which isn't like Olivia at all! :( If we're feeling better by next week, maybe we could make the trip out to see you. If not next week, maybe the following week. Can't wait to meet your little guy.