Thursday, February 25, 2010

Payton, Bella and Logan

Payton loves kissing Logan's big head
Bella and Payton with the sort the shapes hippo
We made it to the funeral this morning. My Aunt came over and stayed with the kids...and everyone was still alive when we got back. These three are a handful together! Of course they all cried when we left. I know Logan wouldn't have if he had been alone but both girls were crying and he's a sympathy crier. He does love his girlfriend Payton though.

Mitch's funeral was sad but strangely impersonal. I've only been to one other Catholic funeral before and I don't remember it being the same. In fact that funeral was for Brock, another friend from high school that died shortly after graduation and I'm pretty sure I cried throughout the ceremony.

Maybe the Father was just trying to hold the room together by not diving into the stories and details of Mitch's life...but I thought that's what funerals were for? To memorialize the deceased and remember all the good things about them. Anyhow, I guess if I wanted an outlet and a time to grieve I will have to find it on my own because the funeral wasn't it. It was weird seeing all my classmates and it was quite amazing how many of them were there. Our ten year reunion will be next year and I wish we wouldn't have had to get together early for this reason.

I was watching an episode of my favorite TV show "Mercy" the other day and a young man lost his wife. I don't know what I would do if I ever lost my husband. When the rest of the world is crazy he is my one true constant, always there to keep me on course. Or if I lost heart hurt so bad for Mitch's parents today and for all the parents that have ever had to bury a child. Personally I don't think I would have the strength. Hopefully that trial will never come for me. I feel so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life.

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